How to cook an omelette with cottage cheese in a frying pan. Curd scrambled egg Curd omelet

From fish

But there are other ways to prepare it. Now we will tell you how to prepare an omelet from cottage cheese and eggs.

Omelette with cottage cheese - recipe


  • low-fat cottage cheese – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • chicken eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • frozen vegetables – 100 g;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • water – 40 ml;
  • salt and dill - to taste.


Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, add vegetables and lightly fry. Add water and simmer until the liquid evaporates. Meanwhile, beat the eggs together with cottage cheese, add salt to taste. Mix the resulting mass directly in the frying pan with the prepared vegetables, and top with chopped herbs. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat until done.

Omelette with cottage cheese in a slow cooker


  • eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • – 100 g;
  • milk – 200 ml;
  • salt - to taste;


Pour milk into a deep container and beat in eggs. Mix the mixture with a fork. Add cottage cheese and add some salt. Using a blender, mix everything until smooth. Coat the multicooker pan thoroughly with butter. Pour the curd and egg mixture into it. In the “Baking” program, cook for 25 minutes. After this time, the omelette with cottage cheese will be ready. To remove it entirely without damaging it, it is better to use a basket-grid for steaming.

Omelette with cottage cheese in the oven


  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese – ½ cup;
  • salt;
  • butter for greasing the mold.


Using a blender, mix cottage cheese, eggs, add salt to taste. Or you can make a sweet omelet, then it is not necessary to add salt, but we will also add the amount of sugar to taste. Mix again. Grease the form in which we will bake the omelette with butter, pour the curd and egg mixture into it, cover the top with foil so that the top does not burn and put it in the oven. There is no need to preheat it, that is, put it in a cold oven, turn on the heat and heat it to 170°C. Cook in this way for 40 minutes, then remove the foil and set for another 10 minutes to get a golden brown crust.

Omelet with cottage cheese for a child


  • chicken eggs – 1 pc.;
  • cottage cheese – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar – 2 teaspoons;
  • vanillin - to taste;
  • odorless vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon.


Mash the cottage cheese with a fork to remove lumps. Beat the egg into the bowl with the cottage cheese and mix until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then add sugar, vanillin or vanilla sugar to taste and mix again. Pour odorless vegetable oil into the frying pan and when it warms up (it gets hot, not hot), pour in the egg-curd mass. Cook over medium heat until a golden crust appears, then turn the omelette over, cook for about 1 more minute and remove the pan from the heat - the sweet omelette with cottage cheese is ready! If desired, you can top it with jam, condensed milk or sour cream.

Omelette with cottage cheese in the microwave


  • sour cream – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • eggs – 1 pc.;
  • cottage cheese – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • butter – 15 g.


Mix cottage cheese, egg and sour cream, add a piece of softened butter, add a little salt and pour the mixture into a bowl suitable for cooking in the microwave. Cook at maximum power for 4 minutes.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

To prepare a regular omelet, you don’t need anything special other than eggs and milk. But today we will do things differently, add cottage cheese to the omelette to make the dish as healthy and nutritious as possible. Traditionally, omelettes are served for breakfast and this is not discussed. Of course it is possible. fry it for lunch or dinner, but you won’t get the admiration that an omelet causes in the morning. This is the most delicious breakfast food. I still remember the morning aroma of omelette wafting from the kitchen when either my mother or grandmother was frying it. And my sister and I woke up from this divine smell, our appetite immediately increased to the maximum and we didn’t even have to be asked to have breakfast. Usually you can’t force children to eat in the morning, but no one refuses an omelet. Even if your kids don’t like cottage cheese in its pure form, add it to an omelet and they won’t even feel the catch. The cottage cheese will mix perfectly with the eggs and will be almost invisible in the finished dish. My recipe with photos is in front of you step by step, I hope that with it you can easily prepare a delicious omelette with cottage cheese in a frying pan at home. And in the quality of the company, you can make such an omelette, or simply.

- 3 chicken eggs,
- 150 grams of cottage cheese,
- 30 grams of butter,
- 80 grams of milk,
- a little salt and pepper,
- any greens.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Beat the eggs into a plate and add a little milk to them. I pour about 2 tablespoons of milk per egg.

Lightly shake the resulting mass, add salt and pepper a little. Today I cooked an omelet for my husband, so I peppered it; I don’t add pepper for children.

I put cottage cheese in the egg-milk liquid. You can use grainy cottage cheese or a more delicate, smooth mass. There is such cottage cheese in packs, it is like ground, so soft and without grains, it is also suitable, the main thing is that the composition is natural. Mix the egg mixture with the cottage cheese a couple of times so that there is no accumulation of cottage cheese in one place.

Heat a frying pan with butter, when it starts to sizzle a little, then pour the omelette into the frying pan. Cover with a lid and fry over low heat.

After 5-7 minutes the omelette will be fried and become more fluffy and rosy.

We chop fresh herbs, they are perfect for an omelette. Today I used green onions, but you can use any other fresh herbs: dill, parsley or basil.

Place the finished omelette on a plate and sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Bon Appetite!
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Omelette is one of my husband's favorite dishes. He is ready to eat it every day. I often add vegetables and herbs to omelette, and this time I added cottage cheese. A cottage cheese omelette in a frying pan turns out to be the most tender. Breakfast is amazing! The omelette turns out to be quite voluminous; if desired, it can be divided between two people, but I prepared the entire portion for my husband.

To prepare an omelet with cottage cheese in a frying pan, prepare all the necessary products from the list.

Break the eggs into a bowl, add salt, pepper, paprika and curry seasoning to taste. Beat the mixture with a whisk.

Finely chop the dill and add it to the egg mixture, also pour in the milk.

Add starch to the egg mixture and crumble the cottage cheese. I have homemade cottage cheese, soft, but you can use absolutely any cottage cheese according to your taste.

Mix the mixture thoroughly again.

Heat the frying pan and add sunflower oil to it. Pour in the egg mixture and cook over low heat for 5 minutes, then cover the omelette with a lid and cook for another 2-3 minutes.

Remove the omelette from the heat and leave covered for a few minutes.

When the omelette with cottage cheese cooked in a frying pan reaches the desired condition, transfer it to a plate and add a salad of fresh vegetables. Serve the omelette immediately!

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5 rules of proper nutrition from Olga Dekker

Today I propose to prepare a delicious, tender and healthy omelet with cottage cheese :)

It’s easy to prepare, and the family will be well-fed and happy!

To prepare we will need:

  • Cottage cheese - 100 gr;
  • Milk - 50 ml;
  • Oil drain. - 1 tsp.
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs
  • Salt - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Green peas - 2 tbsp.

Juicy omelette with cottage cheese - recipe with photo

1. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork or blender until it becomes paste-like.

2. Separately, beat the eggs with milk, add some salt to the resulting mixture and combine with softened cottage cheese.

3. Pour into a preheated frying pan and be sure to cover with a lid. Garnish the finished dish with herbs, add peas and everyone can be invited to the table.

Calorie content - 130 calories per 100 g of finished dish.

BJU: Proteins – 11.76 g, Fats – 7.8 g, Carbohydrates – 2.94 g.

As you can see, there are very few calories in a cottage cheese omelette and it will fit perfectly into your menu :)

Want to add some spice to your dish?

Cut the tomatoes into thin slices. Add to the mixture in the pan and cover with a lid. Sprinkle the finished dish with finely chopped dill. Cream cottage cheese plus fresh herbs will give a unique taste :)

Do you want to eat healthy and tasty? In the “” section you will find many original and healthy dishes.

All the best for children!

Does your child not like cottage cheese? I'll teach you one trick :)

Use cottage cheese for cooking. If it has cream in it, even better. Don't beat the eggs too hard. Just mix everything and add a pinch of salt.

Children will be delighted with the delicate taste and amazing, elastic, white curd grains.

Note to mothers: this is simply a storehouse of useful vitamins and microelements. After all, calcium and protein are the basis for the full development of the body.

Have you fed the baby? Take a break. Watch the video and smile :)

How to cook an omelet in a slow cooker?

Pour the egg-curd mixture into the bowl. Lubricate it first with butter or vegetable oil.

Place on the “Bake” mode for 20 minutes. If your device has a “Multi-cook” function, then 15 minutes will be enough.

What is most appreciated in an omelet?

That's right, its pomp and tenderness :)

Remember: the better you beat the eggs with milk, the fluffier it will turn out. Don’t be lazy and beat the mixture into a strong foam with a mixer.

Golden crust in the oven

Recipe for the oven. Combine eggs, milk and cottage cheese and beat well. Grease a baking dish with oil and pour in the mixture.

Add tomatoes, herbs and grated cheese. Cover with foil so that the omelette rises well and does not burn.

Place in an oven preheated to 180 C for 10 minutes. The omelette will turn out tall and tender with a golden cheese crust.

So how? Did you like the recipe?

Prepare a healthy and satisfying dish for your family and share the results in the comments. Experiment and share your findings :)

Health to you and your children, Olga Dekker.

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Cottage cheese and eggs are the perfect healthy breakfast combination. We invite you to try an original recipe for curd scrambled eggs, which is perfect for people watching their figure.
Recipe contents:

The basis of life of the human body from early childhood to very old age is calcium, which is found in the greatest proportion in dairy products. Therefore, doctors advise people with diseases of hypertension, liver, diabetes, biliary tract and heart to consume such products. And the leader among dairy products in terms of calcium content is cottage cheese (80 mg per 100 g). In addition, cottage cheese has many beneficial properties. It contains protein and the entire set of essential amino acids.

Scrambled eggs with cottage cheese is a fairly satisfying dish, easy and quick to prepare. And how to prepare it correctly, we are now revealing all the secrets to you.

How to choose cottage cheese?

  • Fresh cottage cheese should be white or slightly creamy in color. A yellow tint indicates that the product is not fresh.
  • The fresh product has a milky aroma with a slight sourness.
  • A distinctive feature of fresh cottage cheese is its slightly sour taste. If the taste is sweet, this indicates that sugar has been added to the product in order to hide the staleness.
  • The consistency of the cottage cheese should be smooth and slightly oily. The product is too liquid - expired, grainy - overdried.
  • Store purchased cottage cheese in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days in an enamel bowl or wrapped in parchment. After this period, the product cannot be consumed on its own, only after heat treatment.

How to choose fresh eggs?

  • Place the egg in water diluted with salt. Fresh will sink, stale will float.
  • Shake the egg. Gurgling indicates that it is not fresh.
  • The shell should be smooth without roughness or cracks.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - 345 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 1
  • Cooking time - 10 minutes


  • Cottage cheese - 100 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Dill - a small bunch
  • Salt - to taste
  • Refined vegetable oil - for frying

Cooking curd scrambled eggs

1. Wash the tomato, dry it and cut it into pieces of any size, but not too small. Otherwise, the tomato will break down and ruin the taste of the scrambled eggs.

2. Wash the dill, dry and chop.

3. Place cottage cheese in a container, which it is advisable to rub through a sieve. This will allow you to get a uniform consistency. Add chopped tomatoes and dill. Beat in the egg and season with salt.

4. Mix all products well.

5. Pour refined vegetable oil into the frying pan and heat well, otherwise the food will stick to the bottom and burn. Place the curd and egg mixture in the pan and fry it covered for about 5 minutes over low heat. I like scrambled eggs, so I stir them. If you like it as an omelet, then fry it as is. Serve the finished scrambled eggs to the table immediately. You can top it with sour cream to taste.